Welcome to the first in a series of posts about Sun signs of the zodiac. In them, we will examine what the Sun means natally and also in transit in the relevant sign. This series makes its premier during my solar profection year, in the sign opposite my own Sun. I’ll continue to write about each Sun sign during the next year as it ingresses.

Natal Meaning
- Adventurous
- Arrogant
- Competitive
- Enduring
- Freedom-loving
- Hopeful
- Humorous
- Inconsistent
- Jovial
- Knowledgeable
- Melancholic
- Optimistic
- Philosophical
- Rowdy
- Strategic but chaotic
If you have a Sagittarius Sun in your natal chart, this means you were born between November 21 and December 21. Sagittarian Suns have a reputation for being both boisterous and wise. They are a mutable sign which makes them rather changeable and capable of embodying attributes that may seem contradictory to the casual observer.
Just as centaurs, were depicted in ancient mythology, Sagittarians are considered unpredictable, adventurous, yet intelligent. This sign is associated with advanced learning and philosophy, as well as spiritual practices given its ruler’s, Jupiter’s, dominion over faith and belief. Sagittarian Suns are often jovial and rowdy with a great sense of humor; true chaotic neutrals. Some refer to them as the ‘free-spirited hippies’ of the zodiac.
Transit Meaning
The Sun passes through the sign of Sagittarius every year leading up to the northern hemisphere’s winter solstice (the summer solstice in the southern hemisphere). This seasonal association tells us something significant about what all of us experience during Sagittarius season, whatever our natal Sun sign. Where I sit, the daylight is at it’s shortest, and we are entering true winter. We’re hunkering down for the coldest and dreariest months during which we may experience some depressive feelings, or look back on the closing year with melancholy. This is one association with Sagittarius season, but it’s a changeable and sometimes unpredictable sign so there is of course another side of the coin.
While terribly dark, it’s also silly season– happy holiday parties abound and we find ourselves busy to the point of overwhelm. Whether hosting or visiting family, shopping, or generally “making merry,” we’re more likely to be social and festive around this time of year. It lifts our spirits to spend time with others, to see beautiful decorations and blinking lights, to have a holiday drink or two. This is another side of Sagittarius, that party animal! Prone to revelry and lover of a good laugh, the very act of giving gifts and expressing generosity is quintessential Sagittarius.
Since Sagittarius is Jupiter’s masculine fire sign, we should also look to what Jupiter is doing in the sky for another layer of context. Jupiter was in Capricorn for most of Sagittarius season; this is Jupiter’s fall, a sign that is uncomfortable for the planet of luck, faith, wealth, and expansion. Thus this season was likely more melancholic than years past, and we we almost certainly are experiencing less socializing. However, Jupiter entered Aquarius on December 19 and you may have felt an uptake in conversations and optimism then.
So, are you feeling the buoyancy typical of holiday season (even in the odd atmosphere of 2020), or perhaps some nostalgia with a side of merriment? Either way, welcome to Sagittarius season.
Famous Sagittarian Suns
Get a good feel for the keywords and traits associated with Sagittarian Suns by reading biographies of these famous and infamous celebrities.
- Miley Cyrus
- Jim Morrison
- Taylor Swift
- Brad Pitt
- Frank Sinatra
- Bruce Lee
- Walt Disney
- Mark Twain
- Woody Allen
- Bill Nye
- Ben Stiller
- Sarah Silverman
- Jay-Z
- Britney Spears
- Nicki Minaj
- Sarah Paulson
- Steven Spielsburg
- Jane Fonda
- Samuel L. Jackson
- Keith Richards
So, where does the archer fall in your chart? What house and associated topics are ruled by Sagittarius? Do you see how these themes discussed above echo in that area of life? If so, please share below!